—Explore Our Story—

Anavrin Botanicals is a family owned and operated nursery in Northwest Florida that offers a vast selection of unique and popular foliage.

Our nursery's origin story is deeply intertwined with the resilience of nature and the determination to cultivate beauty from adversity Founded in 2020 amidst the challenges of the pandemic. What began as a response to hardship quickly bloomed into a sanctuary for those seeking solace through plants, a passion that has always been therapeutic for myself.

Before they became a botanical wonderland, our greenhouses were built by my family and contained a flourishing strawberry farm. However, fate dealt a harsh blow when the powerful hurricane Ivan swept through the area, leaving destruction in its wake. After two decades of siting abandoned the once-thriving strawberry farm that bore the scars of Mother Nature's fury, taught me a story of perseverance. Amidst the overgrown foliage and weathered remnants, a new chapter was about to unfold, I saw an opportunity to rebuild and reimagine the space. Inspired and driven by a lifelong love of plants, I decided to transform it into something even more beautiful and meaningful I could share,

Anavrin Botanicals.

Today, those greenhouses stand proudly as a testament to our resilience and passion for plants.

At our nursery, we believe in the healing power of nature and its ability to provide comfort during difficult times. Whether you're an experienced gardener, serious collector or a beginner, our diverse collection of plants offers something for everyone.

We take pride in nurturing our plants with care and dedication, ensuring they thrive in our loving environment. As you explore our lush jungle, you'll find a wide range of botanical wonders - from vibrant flowers that add color to your life, to tranquil greenery that offers an escape from the chaos of the world.

Our mission is not only to provide you with a vast and unique selection of healthy plants but also to help you create a special space where you can escape the stresses of everyday life.

Our friendly and knowledgeable team is always here to assist you, whether you need gardening advice or simply want to share your love for plants.

Join us on this journey, and together, let's discover the endless beauty and serenity that plants bring to our lives.

Thank you for being a part of our story.